16 Mar 2021

VPS Holdings Limited (VPS) has just released their lat­est ver­sion of its ground-break­ing ini­tia­tive, to help sites pre­pare and be secured, before trespassers set up ille­gal encampments. Accord­ing to the lat­est gov­ern­ment statistics, the num­ber of trav­ellers’ car­a­vans in the United Kingdom (UK) has almost tripled from 8,000 to 23,000, between 1979 and 2020.

When sev­er­al car­a­vans set­tle in unautho­rised encamp­ments, it can be a cost­ly exer­cise to move them on and clean-up after they have depart­ed - costs that are esti­mat­ed to reach over £ 100 million annu­al­ly for coun­cils and pri­vate land-own­ers combined.